Your new bundle of joy is sweet-faced, smiley, and a pooping machine, which means around-the-clock changes. Avoid getting the contents of their loaded diapers all over the nursery (and their hands) with these changing pads. Whether you have a squirmy baby who can’t seem to keep still, or you need a pad that speaks to your love of all things organic, we’ve rounded up the best changing pads to get you through the diaper phase.

When you need to heed the call of diaper duty, it’s best to be prepared. These top changing pads will help keep baby safe and comfy and messes to a minimum. Babies go through a lot of diapers, and while a changing pad may seem unnecessary to the uninitiated, seasoned parents will tell you that having a dedicated space for changing diapers makes life infinitely easier. Baby changing pads help keep your little one comfortable, safe and secured for those (countless) daily diaper changes. Trust us, you really don’t want to get baby poop on your expensive duvet cover—it doesn’t come out! But with all the diaper changing pad options out there, finding the right one can prove overwhelming. Cut to the chase with our list of favorites, from top changing table pads to portable and disposable options that’ll make diaper duty just a little less sh*tty.

A newborn will have to “go” many times and you’ll feel the need to change their nappy many times. This is why many parents buy change pads that make the whole changing process easier and mess-free. If you’re designing his or her nursery, make sure you include baby change pads. Browse through our collection to find your loved one a soft surface for when you change their nappies. Our change pads are made using smooth and soft material that is easy to wash. We also stock change pad covers to make sure the change pads are always clean and don’t require as much washing. Visit our selection and find the right change pad for your little one’s nursery.

Over the course of your baby’s first few years you will change thousands of diapers. Around 4,000 to 4,500 to be exact.

Regardless of your choice of diaper type, one thing is certain, you will need somewhere to change all those diapers. The purpose of the baby changing pad is to keep your changing surface clean from waste and to keep your baby safe and comfortable during diaper changes.

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