toddler trampolines

Are Toddler Trampolines Safe?

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Is it safe to bring a toddler on a trampoline? Jumping on a trampoline is a great way to spend time when you're young. You may have bad trampoline memories from your own childhood and worry that your kids may follow in your footsteps. Since their inception, trampolines have come such a long way, to the point that you can buy one for your kid to use even when it's cold outside. Therefore, trampolines are a universal benefit. Wrong.

From 2010 to 2014, the number of trampoline-related injuries climbed from 581 to 6932, according to data compiled by the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System. According to Zimmerman's research, trampoline-related injuries have been documented since at least 1956.

There is a significant danger of harm to youngsters when they use trampolines. Injuries to the head and neck, as well as sprains , fractures in the arms and legs, are all possible during this sport. The American Academy of Pediatrics has issued a stern warning against trampolines in the house due to the substantial injury risk they pose. Injuries sustained at trampoline parks have also increased.

The stay-at-home regulations imposed during the COVID-19 epidemic contributed to the surge in popularity of backyard trampolines. Trampolines are a great way for kids to burn off some steam and get some exercise, while parents appreciate the positive effects on their children's motor skills and overall health. However, are the potential advantages of trampolines worth the potential dangers?

Trampolines are entertaining in the same reasons that people get hurt on them. A kid can influence the height of her bounce and where she falls, but not completely. Keep reading for advice from experts on how to avoid the most frequent trampoline injuries.

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Injuries from Trampolines Can Be Extremely Serious

In extreme cases, children who use trampolines might suffer paralysis, permanent brain damage, or even death. A child's risk of injury increases with their age and size. When doing backflips, flips, or falling off the trampoline, neurological injuries are the most likely outcome.

Dislocations, sprains, head trauma, and broken or broken bones are the most common types of trampoline-related injuries.

The number of paediatric fractures treated in emergency rooms due to trampolines continues to rise, with the AAP reporting a rise from 35.3 per 100,000 person-years in 2008 to 53.0 in 2017.

AAP data shows that over 75% of trampoline accidents involve multiple children using the trampoline at once and colliding with one another.

It's no surprise that the smaller youngster has a 14-fold higher risk of injury. The following are other frequent reasons for injuries:

The trampoline crash.

  • They are running into the gadget's springs or frames.
  • You are doing somersaults and flips wrong

Is it Safe to Let a Two-Year-Old Play on a Trampoline?

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends against using trampolines with children under the age of six.

It would be a shame to deprive young children of the joy of a trampoline, but serious injuries, including those to the neck and head, are a real possibility when using one.

toddler trampolines

What Kinds of Injuries Occur Most Frequently on Trampolines?

Between 1991 and 1999, the CPSC found that over 100,000 people were hospitalised due to trampoline-related injuries.

Eleven trampoline-related deaths were reported throughout the same time span, which is shocking.

Trampoline injuries typically involve:

  • Children who jump frequently on trampolines may get fractures in their hands and elbows. Also at risk are the feet and the spine. This is due to their desire to engage in risky flips and stunts that put their spinal column at risk. These issues may also result from kids accidentally bumping into each other when jumping.
  • Concussions are common among children who use trampolines because of the danger of head trauma from falls onto the trampoline mats. When your kid consistently has puffy eyes and seems exhausted, that's a telltale sign.

NCBI found that the following were the most common causes of trampoline-related injuries:

  • Fifty-three percent of people who jump on trampolines have an uncomfortable landing.
  • A staggering 22 percent of trampoline jumpers have experienced a fall.
  • There was a 13% rate of injury due to contact with other jumpers.
  • Trying a risky somersault-11%

Does that rule out the use of park trampolines and mini-trampolines for toddlers? To be honest, I don't think so.

We found that rebounding had a number of significant benefits, so you may want to try trampoline treatment with your child, but always keep an adult close by in case anything goes wrong.

There should be no flips or other gymnastic shenanigans. Your child's mini-trampoline should have thick padding on the rails and a safety nett around it. Place it on a flat, soft surface.

Prospective Roots of Trampoline-Related Trauma

Trampolining-related injuries can occur as a result of a number of factors, including but not limited to:

Multiple Trampolinists Caused by Overcrowding

There's usually a hubbub on park trampolines from kids of all ages having a good time. As they complete their flips, they jump on top of one other and squeeze each other's muscles, which could cause serious injury. Your autistic two-year-old should not be subjected to that, right? While the other kids are older, bigger, and more boisterous, it's even more dangerous for your child to be among them.

Jumping on an indoor mini-trampoline in large numbers has also been linked to injuries in young children.

Trampoline Accidents

If the trampoline isn't well surrounded with a safety nett, your toddler could execute a high leap and land on the ground. Your child's fragile bones could be broken by pebbles and other hard objects.

Accidental Metal and Railing Injuries

The trampoline's round shape is created by rails and metals, which could also prove to be fatal. Avoid this by providing ample foam padding.

Extreme gymnastics and exploits by the kids

Dramatic kids. So, you owe them that one. There will always be one overexcited, hyperactive child that does some sort of gymnastics flip that ends up harming them, no matter how often you encourage them to tone down their antics.

Avoiding Accidents on Trampolines and Other Playground Equipment

Please Make Sure There Is an Adult Present

If you have a young child that enjoys jumping on a trampoline, you should always be present or have an adult present to ensure that no dangerous or reckless behaviour occurs and that no more than one child is utilising the trampoline at a time.

Provide Cushioning and Nets

Pad your trampoline's railings to prevent injury to your children while they play. You should also use floor mats to avoid people from tripping and falling.

If you want to make sure your children don't bounce off the trampoline and hurt themselves, instal a safety nett around it. Your trampoline needs to be on the ground, far from any obstacles like trees or bushes.

  • Multiple Trampolinists Caused by OvercrowdingPlease only let one child at a time on the trampoline.
  • Only one child should jump on the trampoline at a time. You prefer to be unapologetically cruel.

Baby and toddlers should not use your trampoline unless direct adult supervision is provided

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recommends that no toddler be permitted on a trampoline greater than twenty inches above the level unless watched by an adult and nett inclosures are in place to prevent falls. They then go on to say that ladders shouldn't be offered for sale near trampolines.

Advice on Trampoline Safety

It's important to take the necessary safety measures if you're bent on allowing your kids to use a trampoline. Although trampolines can provide some danger, those dangers can be greatly mitigated by following a few simple rules. The trampoline is for single use only. When this is done, the most prevalent cause of trampoline injuries is reduced. Come up with a code word or time frame for each jumper that everyone uses to let them know it's their turn.

The use of flips and somersaults should be strictly prohibited.

You shouldn't let your kids, no matter how old they are, do these risky tricks. There is a higher chance of suffering a life-altering or fatal injury to the head, neck, or cervical spine because of them.

Invest in Reliable Protective Gear.

Get some pads to put over a trampoline's metal structure, springs, and hooks to keep you safe from falls. Immediately replace the cushioning if you see any tears, fraying, and other signs of wear. Additionally, construct a nett inclosure and double-check your work by reading the manual thoroughly. Don't let the kids hang from nett or climb up it.

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Carefully consider where you'll put the trampoline

Trampoline placement and assembly need much preparation. The trampoline should be kept on flat ground, far from any trees or buildings. Give kids their own waiting area so they don't bother each other. While it's true that fully encased trampolines lack such a viewing area, it's easy enough to set up a makeshift viewing area nearby. Keeping a child's perspective in mind is crucial when designing a play area.

Keep in Mind the Need for Constant Supervision by an Adult

Make sure there's a nice spot for an adults to relax and keep an eye on things. Adults should check the trampoline for damage on a regular basis, too. To amuse children, think of some creative things to do. A regulation prohibiting somersaults and tricks means you'll have to come up with some creative alternatives for entertainment. Children can practise their acrobatic skills by jumping and throwing a ball at a target or into a basketball hoop. Children can also participate in a "memory game" by mimicking the actions of the player in front of them.

The child's temperament should be taken into account

A large proportion of potential harms can be avoided by sticking to some basic guidelines. A trampoline is a great way to keep your child active and healthy, and they are much safer if you've had a child that listens.

Small trampolines should be avoided as well

Similarly, the AAP cautions against purchasing mini trampolines because of the same safety concerns associated with them as with full-sized ones.

Get informed

Make sure trampoline-related injuries are covered by your homeowner's insurance. In order to keep up with any trampoline recalls or customer complaints, it is recommended that you conduct regular searches on using the product's brand and model.

Use Pads and Nets for Protection.

Protective padding should be used on the trampoline's frame, springs, and any nearby hard surfaces, and a trampoline inclosure should be set up to completely enclose the trampoline. Inspect the gear frequently to look for wear and damage.

Trampolines should be positioned on the ground inside of homes.

Injuries are more likely to occur after a fall from a greater level. Keep the trampoline away from any potential dangers, such trees.

Reduce your jumping on trampolines.

Don't let anyone use the trampoline who is younger than six. Trampoline use is limited to a single individual at a time.

Don't let anyone use the trampoline for dangerous tricks like somersaults in the air without an adult watching them, them learning how to do it properly, and them wearing a harness.

Don't Let People Jump Without Being Watched.

If a trampoline ladder is used, it should be taken down after every usage to prevent youngsters from gaining unsupervised access.

Indoor trampolines for kids: Safe play space or potential hazard?

However, indoor trampolines certainly have their advantages, but are those safe? A trampoline is entertaining when used properly, but might it become a harmful pastime if used improperly, just like any other piece of equipment? Let's weigh the advantages and disadvantages so you can decide whether this is a good fit for your family.

toddler trampolines (2)

The Benefits of Indoor Trampolines

Trampolines are a fantastic exercise for youngsters, especially if we have never had access to that of an outdoor yard. Trampoline jumping is a great way to get some exercise and relieve stress. There's a good reason why trampolines were so popular in the '80s and '90s; jumping on them is a great cardiovascular workout.

Children's perceptual and motor abilities benefit greatly from time spent on trampolines.

When you jump, you stimulate your vestibular system, which sends signals to your brain regarding your body's position and surroundings. Children gain a sense of proprioception and spatial awareness as they jump on surfaces that change quickly. It helps improve their overall equilibrium and coordination by making children work to coordinate their abs, muscles, and feet.

Perhaps the act of jumping can help one concentrate as well. Studies have shown that jumping helps relieve stress in the brain through physical activity without putting as much strain on the body that running nor jogging would.

Instead, it's a form of low-impact exercise that has several physical benefits for youngsters, including improved coordination, cardiovascular fitness, and mental concentration. Kids can have the exercise and fun of a trampoline without taking up too much room with a mini trampoline.

Downsides of Indoor Trampoline Play

When a youngster is younger than six years old, indoor trampolines pose serious risks. There is a significant risk of harm for children under this age, hence the American Academy of Pediatrics advises against ever getting a trampoline. Though the majority of these tips pertain to using a trampoline in an outside setting, that doesn't mean they can't be used to an interior set-up.

Children lack the physical maturity and motor control to safely use a trampoline, increasing the risk of injury from accidental flips or falls. Children may find it helpful to have something to grab onto, and some indoor trampolines have a handle that can be connected to the frame. While this is an advance over traditional indoor trampolines, kids still need adult supervision when using them to prevent injury to their teeth or other body parts.

Not enough useful information is available to aid parents in making the best choice, and this is a concern for many organisations.

Only a fraction of the story can be pieced together from trampoline statistics, and even less is known about indoor trampolines. Some dangers are inevitable in childhood, but knowing what they are might help you prepare for them.

An indoor jumping could be more work than it's worth if you have multiple kids. The same applies if your kid is very little or has difficulties in development.

Quantifying the Danger Presented by Trampolines

The inability to accurately measure risk is the major issue with trampolines. We know how many kids went to the emergency room last year because of trampoline accidents, but we have no idea how many kids have access to swing sets or how long typically jump. Large outdoor playgrounds, where multiple youngsters can jump at once, are often the focus of trampoline statistics. Accidental injuries from falling or colliding with others and from attempting risky stunts are prevalent.

Given that indoor trampolines are often built for a single user and are situated at a lower height relative to the ground, they may be safer.

This is not the place to put on a show. Although indoor gyms are more convenient, parents should not overlook the risks their children face when playing there.

They are always accessible, whether sitting on a coffee table either in your child's room. Parents are hence less inclined to engage in rigors kid supervision.

Safe Use of Indoor Trampolines

In spite of the potential advantages of trampoline time for your kid's health and development, it's important to establish certain guidelines for their use. Some safety measures should be taken before bringing big trampoline inside your home.

Restriction of Exposure

Instead of storing it in your kid's bedroom, think about a central, easily accessible spot. Your child will be able to get it whenever he or she needs it, reducing the risk of unattended injury. Unless you're overseeing, you should never let over than one child jump at a time, and you should make sure everyone knows the rules. Follow the manufacturer's weight recommendations and make sure the trampoline is not placed near any sharp or hard objects to ensure the safety of your youngster.

Keep constant vigil

This means that you should keep an eye on how people are using the space even if it's a public one. Your child's safety depends on you being present and able to terminate the activity if necessary. You should also have a conversation with your kid about what is and isn't acceptable behaviour.

Be Patient and Hold Off Until Your Kid Is Older

To reduce danger, wait until your child is older than a toddler and has developed more motor skills. Indoor trampolines should be avoided until the child is at least four years old, or a trampoline with a handle should be used for younger children.

Risks Can Happen No Matter What

When it's raining outside, getting your child to jump on a trampoline can be a great way to get some exercise and let out some excess energy. Although trampolines can be a lot of fun, there is always the risk of injury when they are used without adult supervision. Trampolines, when used properly, can assist your kid get in some exercise and boost their coordination and sense of space.

They can be quite helpful, but it's important to weigh the potential downsides before using them. Trampolines are not an easy purchase, so go cautiously.

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Between 2010 and 2014, the number of trampoline-related injuries increased from 581 to 6932. Trampolines are a fun and healthy method for youngsters to release excess energy and get some jump time in. Trampoline use within the home has been strongly discouraged by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Children under the age of six should not use trampolines, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. Between 1991 and 1999, the number of deaths attributed to trampolines rose from 11 to over 100,000.

More than seventy-five percent of trampoline injuries involve two or more kids jumping at once. Injuries to young children have been related to overcrowding on trampolines. You should set up your trampoline on flat ground, away from any low-hanging branches or plants. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, trampolines that are higher than twenty inches from the ground should never have young children on them without adult supervision and safety netts. The safest place for a trampoline is on a level surface, away from any obstacles like trees or buildings.

Children who have access to trampolines are more likely to engage in physical activity, which is beneficial for their development. When you're up against a rule that forbids you from doing somersaults and other feats, you'll have to get inventive. Additionally, adults should routinely inspect the trampoline for any signs of wear and tear. Stress can be released while getting a good workout on an indoor trampoline. For kids less than six, a trampoline is a no-go, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Injuries from flips and falls are more likely to occur during trampolining. There is a lack of helpful resources for parents to use in selecting the ideal trampoline for their child. There is some speculation that indoor trampolines are safer than outdoor ones since they are often designed for a single jumper and are placed at a lower height in relation to the ground. Before bringing a large trampoline indoors, it is important to take precautions to ensure everyone's safety. There is always the potential of injury when trampolines are utilised without adult supervision.

It is imperative that you be present and able to stop the activity immediately if necessary to ensure your child's safety. The baby playpens of My Baby Nursery are among the best available.

Content Summary

  • There was a sharp increase in trampoline-related injuries from 2010 to 2014, from 581 to 6932, as reported by the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System.
  • Due to the high injury risk they present, the American Academy of Pediatrics has issued a strong caution against having trampolines in the home.
  • Statistics compiled by the American Academy of Pediatrics show that more than 75% of trampoline-related injuries occur when two or more children are using the trampoline together and one of them is injured as a result of a collision with another user.
  • It's hardly shocking that the smaller child is 14 times more likely to sustain an injury.
  • According to NCBI's analysis, the following factors contribute significantly to trampoline-related injuries:
  • Fifty-three percent of trampoline users report feeling pain upon touching the ground.
  • Foam padding can help prevent this from happening.
  • Make sure the rails of the trampoline are well-padded to protect your kids from getting hurt when they are jumping.
  • If you're set on letting your kids jump on a trampoline, you need to be sure they're safe to do so.
  • Somersaults and flips should be outright banned.
  • Additionally, adults should routinely inspect the trampoline for any signs of wear and tear.
  • But indoor trampolines offer benefits, to be sure, but are they safe?
  • Let's have a look at the benefits and drawbacks so you can decide if this is something your family would like.
  • Your child may benefit physically and mentally from jumping on a trampoline, but you should still set limits on their use.
  • Before taking that huge trampoline indoors, there are a few precautions you should take.
  • Even if the area is open to the public, you still need to monitor its usage.
  • Children under the age of four shouldn't use an indoor trampoline; if you really must have one, look for one with a handle.
  • The baby playpens of My Baby Nursery are among the best available.

FAQs About Toddlers

Here are seven things you should know about toddlers. They have tons of energy. Toddlers seem to have an endless supply of energy and it can be challenging to keep up. Play is an important part of your toddler's physical and emotional development

For parents these years are exciting, challenging and often a bit overwhelming. Behavioral issues like tantrums and meltdowns, picky eating, trouble sleeping and problems sharing are common during toddlerhood. Toddlers hit developmental milestones at their own pace, and each child is different.

Your toddler's basic needs are the same as yours – food, sleep, clothing, shelter, and health – they just need more help getting these met, of course! For your child to be able to devote energy to learning and growing, they need to be well fed.

Ask questions, like “Where's the ball?” or “What does the kitty say?” Encourage your child to answer in words. Read to her every day. Read her favorite books again and again. Give names to everyday objects like toys, clothes and animals.

Hoecker, M.D. The term "terrible twos" has long been used to describe the changes that parents often observe in 2-year-old children. A parent may perceive this age as terrible because of the rapid shifts in a child's mood and behaviors — and the difficulty of dealing with them.