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What Should You Not Do With A Baby?

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    Whether you like it or not, when you have a baby or are expecting, you will be inundated with unsolicited parenting advice. While some of it is wonderful, other parts can be really harmful. We polled our readers to find out who had given them the craziest piece of advice, and the results were hilariously absurd.

    The first time a woman gives birth is a momentous occasion. There is no manual, and sometimes mum gives conflicting instructions. How should a new mother care for her baby, and what should she avoid doing in the first few days?

    Some things are always dangerous for a baby and should be avoided, even if the recommendations have changed. Although newborns are strong, they are also vulnerable and reliant. It's crucial that they have a plan for when to respond and how to sleep.

    Even if a mother's instincts will take over, it's a good idea to know what she shouldn't do in case she ever has sleep deprivation and is unable to think clearly. It's important to be well-versed in the studies and to take every precaution to maintain a healthy and safe environment for a baby. Making sure poor habits don't persist even when mum isn't there requires that carers be aware of her expectations.

    It seems like every day brings new advice on what you should and cannot do with your newborn. What was proper behaviour a day ago might not be now. Expectant parents should keep up with the newest developments in the field, since new recommendations are established and existing ones are revised on a regular basis.

    The very best of luck to you as you embark on this exciting new chapter in your life as a mother. Whether you are a new parent, nearing your due date, or just curious about infants, you have found the correct site. Some days as a new mother are easier than others. No matter how many children you've already had, or how many you're expecting, being a new mother is never easy.

    We have made a list of common mistakes new mothers make with their infants. We also added five other common blunders made by mothers that drive doctors crazy. For today's list, which you can find by reading on, please keep on reading.

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    Things To Avoid With Your Baby

    Baby Swing Sleeping

    Many mothers deal with kids who are restless sleepers. Moms will resort to a wide variety of tactics in order to succeed in getting their babies to sleep for more than a few minutes at a time. There is a concern since newborns shouldn't sleep in certain things and the danger of injury or illness increases when they do.

    A baby may fall asleep in a baby swing because of the soothing motion, but it is not safe to leave a youngster in a swing for an extended amount of time. As a result, a child's head may tilt to one side.

    playing with baby

    Method Of Crying It Out

    Many times a day, a baby will cry. Constantly attending to a baby's cries, especially in the wee hours of the night, may be an unpleasant and stressful experience. But that's just how it is with some jobs. Some mothers use the "cry it out" technique, in which they leave their infant to cry until he or she calms down on their own, however this strategy has potential long-term drawbacks.

    Babies of any age require constant care, from feeding and holding to diaper changes. Never leave a child to cry alone about a situation they can't solve; doing so increases the risk of bonding problems and developmental delays. It's important to attend to a newborn's cries.

    Let The People Face The Kiss, The Baby

    Anyone who hasn't wanted to kiss and cuddle a brand new baby has no soul. They were clearly meant for a tight embrace. Still, parents should remind guests not to kiss their newborn child on the lips. Due to their immature immune systems, neonates are particularly vulnerable to infection from even the slightest of kisses.

    An infant may require hospitalisation due to an infection caused by a bacterium that would only produce a cold in an adult. Those who kiss the newborn and are themselves infected with RSV or another highly contagious illness put the baby at risk.

    Stomach Sleeping

    The Back to Sleep campaign has done a lot of work to make parents aware of the dangers of placing their kids to sleep on their stomachs. In spite of the risks, there are some parents who insist their children won't sleep any other way and continue to do so. This is absurdly dangerous.

    Infants that are prone may be unable to roll over. He can do nothing to improve his situation and is trapped. Although it may be inconvenient at the time, it is best for the infant to sleep on her back without any obstructing objects like blankets or pillows. As far as sleeping arrangements go, this is the best option for kids.

    Overlaying Of Clothes

    A newborn infant has trouble maintaining a steady body temperature immediately following birth. Many mothers respond to this natural consequence of their babies' early life outside the womb by swaddling them tightly. The baby should never be left out in the cold, so it's a good idea to have some additional layers on hand, but it's also crucial to make sure the youngster isn't overdressed. When a youngster is overheated, it can cause a host of difficulties, therefore it's important to avoid layering up too many garments on him or her.

    When a youngster is in a car seat, you should use extra caution. Child starts to perspire easily and it's hard to determine who's at the wheel.

    Skip Check-Ups

    In the beginning of motherhood, visits to the doctor's office will become routine. Mom can still attend her child's regular paediatrician visits to monitor their development and health. It's important to have a paediatrician keep an eye on a child from birth onward because untreated issues only get worse with time.

    During checkups, routine immunisations are administered, and the patient's vitals and general health are recorded. Keeping the baby's checkups is essential for monitoring development, even if it can feel like the same thing over and over again.

    Using Crib Bumpers

    Don't waste your time registering for crib bumpers. Despite their cuteness and the fact that they promise to make the crib safer, this is not always the case. Babies are safe to lean on the crib's bumpers. Pulling crib bumpers away from the bars is another common source of frustration.

    Crib bumpers should not be permitted since blankets and pillows are not permitted in a crib. It is counterproductive to remove other potentially hazardous objects and then replace them with items that may fall loose. Drop it and give the infant a more secure place to rest.

    Long, Sleeping Car Rides

    Infants are often strongly opinionated about car seats, favouring one camp or the other. Even when the automobile is moving, some babies find them so comforting that they fall asleep. Even if it comes as a relief to mum, the situation is not ideal. Babies should not spend extended periods of time sleeping in vehicle seats.

    When a newborn is asleep in a car seat, it is quite dangerous if his head slips to the side or front because he is unable to support it. Due to the immobility of his neck, he will be unable to change his position.

    Ignore Hunger Cries

    Infants have a high caloric intake and feed frequently. Because of the small size of a newborn's digestive tract, breast milk travels rapidly and easily through the body. As a result, in the beginning, feedings may be spaced anywhere from an hour to two. It is common for infants to cluster feed during growth spurts, apparently never letting mum rest.

    Don't try to force an infant onto a schedule or ignore the signs that he or she is hungry. When a baby is hungry, he or she will cry for their mother to notice. It can affect a child's growth and development if he isn't getting enough to eat.

    Do Not Leave Them Alone

    Babies evolved to require constant, close contact with their carers. They don't know why they're all by themselves.

    Picture yourself abandoned in a foreign location, unable to go around or take care of yourself. The situation would be frightening even if you knew what was happening. It's inexplicable to treat a kid that way.

    Mammals, including children, require the care and company of adults until they develop the skills to provide for themselves. People act as if you can coerce infants into becoming self-sufficient, yet this is an impossible result. If you put a baby in isolation, they may become clingy and demanding, or they may withdraw emotionally and become self-absorbed.

    One of the telltale signs of someone who won't help others in a time of need is that they too are in a difficult position (Batson, 2011). Being in a state of emotional anguish makes it difficult to empathise with others and take a sympathetic stance. It's possible that a society full of people who are overly obsessed with themselves could be created by a culture in which babies are made stress reactive through inadequate care.

    Walk Away While In The Bathroom

    Baby bath time may be a stressful experience for new parents. Newborns can't yet support their own heads, so they're at risk of drowning if they fall into the tub face first. There should be no slack in parental supervision during the mandatory bath time.

    Never leave a baby unattended in a bathroom, especially one with water. When taking a bath, parents should be fully present and attentive because the time it takes for something to go wrong is minimal. Don't take your eyes off the infant for even a second, whether that's because you walked out of the room or got stuck in a texting loop.

    Worry About The Umbilical Stump

    Amazing as it is that the umbilical cord supplies nourishment to the infant while still in the womb, it leaves behind a very unsightly umbilical stump as a parting present. The stump may remain in the belly button for several days or weeks before finally dropping out. Most medical professionals recommend doing nothing for now.

    You shouldn't try to force the stump out of the ground. Always make sure the region is clean and free of infection by folding diapers so they don't irritate it. It may be unpleasant to look at, but trying to fix it could make matters far worse. As soon as it's ready, it'll take off.

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    Listen To Advice Over Instinct

    It seems that announcing the birth of a child is a certain way to invite unwanted advice from complete strangers. She may be expected to take advise she didn't seek out even from those closest to her. Mothers, however, often know what their children need before they even ask. To be guided more by intuition than by outside guidance.

    When mother doesn't know what to do, it's okay to ask for help. Mom should also put her faith in herself and follow her own inner maternal instincts. Avoid letting the advice of other mothers sway you from doing what you know is best for your child. It's okay to get advice, but you should ultimately trust your own judgement.

    Punish Them

    Infants, contrary to popular belief, are not yet able to exert influence over their carers. Infants are not naughty because they are wilful and rebellious. Their actions are motivated only by a desire to fulfil some sort of prerequisite. Because of this, it is not ethical to discipline a newborn for misbehaviour.

    Babies need their carers to provide them with food, water, and comfort, therefore they cry and wake up throughout the night. Inappropriate responses can have serious consequences. When things get too much, pass the baby off to your partner and take a breather.

    Immediately Provide A Pacifier

    It's a widely held opinion that pacifiers are totally OK. They can help a baby relax and fall asleep easier, which is beneficial for lowering the likelihood of sudden infant death syndrome. Introduce one slowly at the start though. Breastfeeding can be derailed if a pacifier is introduced too soon, which can be frustrating for mothers who wish to breastfeed.

    A baby's pacifier sucking style differs from her breast-feeding style. Giving a pacifier to a baby before the nursing attachment has been established can lead to nipple confusion. Some infants have no trouble latching after becoming accustomed to a pacifier, while others have difficulty doing so.

    Express Your Uncontrolled Anger At The Baby

    A mother's anger is not necessarily a reflection of her character. Most new mothers don't anticipate how easily they'll lose their temper in the midst of the chaos of the newborn's first few days home. There is hormonal instability and decreased sleep. Worrying might make you irritable all the time. The mother's ability to adequately manage her feelings is of utmost importance.

    Taking care of yourself in the beginning will be challenging, but it will be achievable. Mom can control her temper and keep from getting frustrated with her child if she takes breaks and asks for help, especially if the child isn't doing anything wrong. Try to meditate, get some rest when you can, and get some help if you find yourself becoming angry.

    Use Scented Lotions And Soaps To Cover Them.

    Recent revelations about the usage of potentially dangerous substances in infant products raise serious safety concerns. Despite companies' efforts to entice mothers with claims of pleasant fragrances, mothers are ultimately more concerned with knowing the ingredients of their children's bath and body products. Bad things can happen if you slather your newborn in chemicals that contain formaldehyde or asbestos. We mums don't intentionally feed our children harmful substances, but it's hard to keep track of everything we feed our children.

    You should only buy from companies that disclose their ingredients and can prove that they are safe. Keep an eye out for product recalls, and keep in mind that your baby doesn't require any special body care. Since their skin is delicate, it is essential that they maintain proper hygiene.

    Ignore PPD Symptoms And Try To Tough It Through.

    The good news is that postpartum depression is receiving a great deal more attention than it did in the past. Sad to say, many women still don't seek help when they have PPD symptoms. They try to bear it as best they can in the hopes that things will get better on their own. That silent struggle is exhausting and pointless.

    A mother who experiences symptoms of PPD should consult her OB immediately. Mom might feel better and enjoy those early parenting days with the help of techniques and medications. It's not safe for mum or baby to wait it out because the symptoms may worsen.

    Add Rice Cereal To The Bottle

    If the infant is having trouble falling or staying asleep, a well-meaning grandparent or aunt may suggest sneaking rice cereal into the infant's milk. The thinking is that if the baby is full, he will sleep for longer. There are unintended consequences to this method that people should be aware of.

    During the first six months of life, the World Health Organization advises that infants consume nothing but breast milk. Food allergies and intolerances are more common in children who are introduced to solid foods at a young age. The rice cereal may also lead to abdominal discomfort or gas, neither of which will help your youngster get a good night's rest.

    Check out our range of tables and chairs for baby nursery here. 

    Wear The Baby And Stand By A Hot Stove.

    Wearing a baby is beneficial for both mum and child. Skin-to-skin contact is encouraged and several baby carriers allow for breastfeeding. It's just as crucial to be aware of when it's not a good idea to wear a youngster.

    It's dangerous to have a child on your back when working with hot substances or standing near a hot burner. If the carrier were to fall into a stove, the baby would be at danger of both the flames and the scalding liquids. If you need to go into the kitchen to make something that will generate heat, you should either put the baby down or have someone else hold her.

    Humans, as a social animal, benefit from an instinctive gut sense that guides us through the ups and downs of life, including parenthood. It's usually a good idea to pay attention to your instincts when something doesn't quite feel right. The act of becoming a parent heightens our sixth sense. Don't discount the importance of following your instincts; one day they may help you save your child's life.


    Newborn advice is constantly changing. Yesterday's behaviour may be unacceptable today. We asked our audience who gave them the craziest advice, and the results were hilarious. Sleeping in certain products puts newborns at risk. Allowing a child to cry about something they can't control can cause bonding issues and developmental delays.

    A newborn has trouble maintaining body temperature in the first few hours. Many mothers wrap their babies in the first few months due to their mobility. After that, the mom can accompany her child to the paediatrician for growth and health checks. Do not force a baby's routine or ignore hunger cues. Newborns that fall into the bath on their bellies risk drowning due to their weak necks and backs.

    Unsupervised children should never use a bathroom with running water. Because accidents can happen quickly, parents should watch their kids in the tub. Doctors advise waiting and seeing. Don't hesitate to ask for help with an awkward baby stump. Pacifiers before breastfeeding cause nipple confusion.

    If you feel annoyed, meditate, sleep in, and get help. Postpartum depression is increasingly discussed. PPD-suffering new mothers should see their OBs immediately. Breastfeeding and skin-to-skin are encouraged. Put the baby down if you need to cook or have someone else hold her.

    Content Summary

    • Whether you like it or not, you will be inundated with unsolicited parenting advice when you have a baby or are expecting one.
    • We polled our readers to find out who had given them the craziest advice, and the results were hilariously absurd.
    • It's important to be well-versed in the studies and to take every precaution to maintain a healthy and safe environment for a baby.
    • Every day brings new advice on what you should and cannot do with your newborn.
    • We have made a list of new mothers' common mistakes with their infants.
    • We also added five other common blunders mothers make those drive doctors crazy.
    • Many mothers deal with kids who are restless sleepers.
    • Moms will resort to various tactics to get their babies to sleep for more than a few minutes at a time.
    • Some mothers use the "cry it out" technique, leaving their infant to cry until they calm down. However, this strategy has potential long-term drawbacks.
    • It's important to attend to a newborn's cries.
    • Still, parents should remind guests not to kiss their newborn child on the lips.
    • The Back to Sleep campaign has done a lot of work to make parents aware of the dangers of placing their kids to sleep on their stomachs.
    • Although it may be inconvenient at the time, the infant should sleep on her back without any obstructing objects like blankets or pillows.
    • It would help if you used extra caution when a youngster is in a car seat.
    • At the beginning of motherhood, visits to the doctor's office will become routine.
    • Save your time registering for crib bumpers.
    • Drop it and give the infant a more secure place to rest.
    • Don't try to force an infant onto a schedule or ignore the signs that they are hungry.
    • It can affect a child's growth and development if he isn't getting enough to eat.
    • Picture yourself abandoned in a foreign location, unable to go around or care for yourself.
    • People act as if you can coerce infants into becoming self-sufficient, yet this is impossible.
    • One of the telltale signs of someone who won't help others in a time of need is that they, too, are in a difficult position (Batson, 2011).
    • Newborns can't yet support their heads, so they're at risk of drowning if they fall into the tub face first.
    • When taking a bath, parents should be fully present and attentive because the time it takes for something to go wrong is minimal.
    • Don't take your eyes off the infant for even a second, whether that's because you walked out of the room or got stuck in a texting loop.
    • Amazing that the umbilical cord supplies nourishment to the infant while still in the womb; it leaves behind a very unsightly umbilical stump as a parting present.
    • We have a wide range of baby play tables and chairs for your baby playroom.
    • When the mother doesn't know what to do, asking for help is okay.
    • Avoid letting the advice of other mothers sway you from doing what you know is best for your child.
    • Getting advice is okay, but you should trust your judgement.
    • Because of this, it is not ethical to discipline a newborn for misbehaviour.
    • Introduce one slowly at the start, though.
    • Breastfeeding can be derailed if a pacifier is introduced too soon, which can be frustrating for mothers who wish to breastfeed.
    • A baby's pacifier-sucking style differs from her breastfeeding style.
    • Giving a pacifier to a baby before the nursing attachment has been established can lead to nipple confusion.
    • A mother's anger is not necessarily a reflection of her character.
    • Taking care of yourself, in the beginning, will be challenging, but it will be achievable.
    • Try to meditate, get some rest when you can, and get help if you become angry.
    • Recent revelations about the usage of potentially dangerous substances in infant products raise serious safety concerns.
    • Keep an eye out for product recalls, and remember that your baby doesn't require special body care.
    • A mother who experiences symptoms of PPD should consult her OB immediately.
    • It's unsafe for a mum or baby to wait because the symptoms may worsen.
    • If the infant is having trouble falling or staying asleep, a well-meaning grandparent or aunt may suggest sneaking rice cereal into the infant's milk.
    • The rice cereal may also lead to abdominal discomfort or gas, neither of which will help your youngster get a good night's rest.
    • It's just as crucial to be aware of when it's not a good idea to wear a youngster.
    • It's usually a good idea to pay attention to your instincts when something doesn't feel right.
    • Please don't discount the importance of following your instincts; one day, they may help you save your child's life.

    FAQs About Baby

    It is not safe to offer newborn foods that are chewy, tiny, or hard, such as whole nuts, popcorn, whole grapes, raw vegetables, raisins, candies, dried fruits, seeds, or any other food that is in this category. They are all potential choking dangers and may easily get stuck in your baby's throat if they were to be swallowed.

    Many first-time parents discover that during the first month of being a parent, things can get more challenging for them. This unexpected fact is one of the primary reasons why many professionals refer to the first three months of a baby's life as the "fourth trimester." However, you are not alone if you find that the second, third, and subsequent months are more challenging than you anticipated.

    Cuddling, sleeping, feeding. This will be the primary focus of your efforts in the first few months. However, because you spend so much time together each day, your infant also picks up a significant amount of information. As infants take in everything they see, hear, and feel in the world around them, their brain expands and mature.

    Here are a few basics to remember:

    • Wash your hands (or use a hand sanitiser) before handling your baby. 
    • Support your baby's head and neck. 
    • Never shake your newborn, whether in play or frustration. 
    • Ensure your baby is securely fastened into the carrier, stroller, or car seat.

    The flu, a cough, a fever, and an upset stomach are all symptoms of a larger problem: poor infant health. Diaper rashes and cradle caps are very frequent skin conditions among infants.

    A lot of these issues are pretty small of a deal. However, when your infant is unwell, you need to know what to do to help them and what symptoms can indicate a more serious issue.

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